St Mary The Virgin Horsell

Parish boundaries

St. Mary-the-Virgin is the parish church of Horsell. You can view the parish boundaries on a google map by clicking the link opposite.

If you are trying to check whether you live within the parish boundary and find that your home is on or very near the boundary line then please zoom in on the google map to check exactly where the boundary line falls. You may also need to check with the Parish office if you live very close to the line because there are limitations on the accuracy that can be achieved with the google map. 

For instance on Kettlewell Hill and Chobham Road the boundary line is in the middle of the road and so homes on the West side are in the parish and those on the East side are not.

Similarly on Carthouse Lane and Guildford Road the boundary is in the middle of the road

In the South the canal forms the boundary.

Living within the parish can be important if you are seeking to establish a qualifying connection with the church, because you want to get married here, or would like someone to be buried within the Churchyard or would like your child baptised at St. Mary's.

Each week we pray as a church for one road within our parish asking that all who live there may know Christ's love and peace.

 'The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places' Psalm 16:6

 parish boundary button

Wedding information button

exploring baptism and thanksgiving

how to find St. Marys button

Making Jesus known; Getting to know Jesus better; Sharing Jesus' love in our community and world


  • St Mary the Virgin
  • Church hill
  • Horsell
  • Surrey
  • GU21 4QQ

01483 772134
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